Savoury or sweet? Porque no los dos?



For the last two mornings, Christian had gone out to get us breakfast while I still lay fast asleep.

And to be honest he had done so for a dispraportional amount of mornings in the past couple months. (Don’t count me out though! I’m still the designated egg scrambler, that’s worth something isn’t it?)

So I decided I should treat him. But since we have a very tiny square of wealth left I couldn’t do anything crazy. In fact I walked around the supermarket for at least an hour with the prices of everything already in my basket written down on my list and running around trying to save whatever coins I could by swapping the contents of my basket in and out, out and in.

Thing is I had an idea for two breakfasts, a savoury one and a sweet one, and of course I could’ve saved a bunch only sticking to one, but that would’nt have been as fun now would it?

So I ended up with a garlic and onion scrambled egg wrap, with red pepper, coriander and fresh Carribbean avocadoes. On the other side I made a fruit salad of banana, apple and strawberries covered in homemade muesli, oats roasted in honey, with cinnomon sprinkled and honey drizzled over it.

To say the least I was pretty pleased, especially since I can’t cook at all, like at all at all, and enjoy making my boyfrined (and parents and rest of world wide community) think there’s still some hope, when in actual fact there’s none at all. Should’ve seen me in the kitchen. You’d think scrambeled eggs and roasted oats would be a breeze but I was panicked the WHOLE time. And genuinely surprized that I could pull that one out of me.


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