Beauty in the midst of chaos




Before we could really start with renovation work, Sam our host, asked us to clean up and organise the place a bit.

The latter of those of course I die for, I looooooove to organise someone else’s stuff. I used to play games as a kid whenever I had to that I was on a ‘how clean is your house-esque’ talk show and would show my reflection how to fold a shirt. But of course for some reason that never really carried onto my own stuff, not really at all.

Honestly, anyone who has ever been around me long enough will probably consider me amongst the messiest people they’ve ever met.

My joy in cleaning up other people’s stuff must just be my compensating or something.

Anyway, I got into a bit of a frenzy after I cleaned and organised the store room, and started sweeping, with a straw broom that is, the multitudes of leaves, pebbles and construction debris on a dirt floor. The logic is a bit off I know, trying to clean a ground made out of dirt, but I manged somehow, and in the process wound up with some creative inspiration.

For some bizzare reason that I can only guess at, there were hundreds of small shards of antique glass bottles strwen around the house’s backyard. With the help of Christian we managed to collect a bucket full of this stuff, I cleaned it and discovered just how beautiful it all was.

Since I’m living in a gallery-in-the-making I’m sure I can come up with something for these little treasures.


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