So I’ve found myself in Peru. Yeah I know, what.
I’d been dreaming of ‘the moment my life would start’ since I was able to consciously dream at all. I wanted to see the world, to take in life, in all its forms. A personal philosophy of mine is that in solidarity a human can only live one life, but in community one can have the wisdom of a thousand lives. I wanted to be a part of this global community of souls; rich lives, thoughts, experiences, emotions, beliefs; they walk all around me, and I want in. To me, god exists in the spaces in between, not in you or me, but in the interaction between us when we share ourselves and listen. That’s what I’m searching.
But when I finally arrived after 28 hours of super excited travel, the second I was alone, I burst into fearful sobs. It finally hit me, I’m so, so far away from home, from everything I know, and so incredibly alone. I came to search for a global community, but I’d forgotten that I would arrive completely alone. I never thought of myself as someone who needed a comfort zone but in that moment I knew that it was because I had never really been without it.
But here I am, as I discovered the next day, at the foot of a hill which houses one of Lima’s poorest districts. I’m living and working with a family who established a school for some of the kids of the area, tiny classrooms, 140 students, nothing but love.
And lucky for me I hardly had time to think of how alone I was because I was enveloped in the love that lives here.
I was reminded of a lesson I learned the hard way over the last few months: a person is always motivated by one of two things, love or fear. Just think about it, everything is either rooted in a fear of, or in a love for. And it’s a choice to which you give your story. You might lose in love, but in the end you will never gain in fear. It always stagnates, and at least in love you know life will keep going.
So that’s what I’m doing.
I can’t wait to see everyone again, but I also can’t wait to take in everything I can here and let love guide me wherever it may.
I’ll be posting a few of my photos on here but if you’d like to see the rest and read a little of my scattered thoughts, message me and I’ll link you to my blog (don’t worry they won’t always be this long, though as anyone who knows me will tell you, I do have a tendency to ramble) xx Take care everyone and for all my friends who started uni this week, buena suerte!
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